Alabaster Offering

What is Alabaster?

The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to “put down roots.” 

Huon Gulf Church of the Nazarene, Papua New Guinea







Alabaster funds are to be used for new churches to:
    •    Purchase a property or church building
    •    Purchase or build a church parsonage
    •    Build a church building
    •    Conversion of a property into a  church gathering space
    •    Meet initial costs for renting a church meeting space for a limited period.                                                                                                                                                          

Alabaster funds may also be used to:                                                             

    •    Purchase or build missionary homes
    •    Purchase or build regional or field missions facilities
    •    Build or repurpose buildings on Bible college campuses

Sometimes funds may be used in the US after natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. None of the Alabaster funds collected are used towards administration. That means that 100% of funds collected go straight to approved projects.

The Alabaster Offering this year will be received Sunday, April 7th, at the Clear Lake Church of the Nazarene during the morning service. Check back for any updates for the next event. Be a part of building mission facilities in the U.S. and around the world.

For more information call the office at 281-486-9581, or message us.


The Alabaster Offering will be received Sunday, April 7th, at the Clear Lake Church of the Nazarene during the morning service. Check back for any updates for the next event. Be a part of building mission facilities in the U.S. and around the world.

For more information call the office at 281-486-9581, or message us.