Prayer Requests



The Power of Prayer

– Col 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Please lift these people up in prayer: 

Leahann and Tony Doran,  Jimmy and Tara Bryant, Jose and Rosa Rodriguez, Gus Hinkle, Ray Carroll,  Ricke Casterlin, Stephen Tripodi, Jimmy Cotton,  Billy Huddleston, Jessica Juby, Ruth Castillo, Tommy Cromeens, Rev Ted Flores, Ford Hubbert, Andrew Pearson, Joyce Pearson, Dr David Runion, Judi Watts, Diane Young, Ron and Jeff Cole, and Many unspoken requests.

Pray for members and friends.

Pray for Ukraine, the local pastors, church members and for God’s will to prevail in Ukraine.

Pray for Haiti, gangs have taken control of Haiti’s capital creating a political crisis which is causing thousands to flee their homes. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is partnering with local Nazarene Churches to minister to those in need. Please pray for peace to be restored in Haiti.

Pray for the United States and world economies, for businesses that are being shut down, or will be adversely impacted by the associated economic downturn, and the wars in Ukraine and Isreal.

In a statement to The Christian Post, Robert J. Pacienza, senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and founder of the Institute for Faith & Culture, said:

“The violent attacks on Israel necessitate an urgent call to all Americans to pray for the state of Israel and the people in the region. These events have been perpetrated by terrorists and resourced by the terrorist state of Iran. Democracy and principled freedom in Israel, throughout the Middle East, and the world are at risk because of these efforts.

Christians in particular should be concerned for the humanitarian rights and religious liberties that will be threatened as a result. Considering the biblical duty of peace and honor, and the principles of just war, we have a responsibility to speak out on behalf of those that are being unjustly assaulted.”

Pray for pastors and missionaries for wisdom to know how best to carry out their respective responsibilities. 

Pray for the church. That she would rise up and be what the Lord calls her to be: an entity that cares in practical and sacrificial ways for “the least of these.” That she would capture the imagination of a surrounding skeptical world, to where people that are currently far from God would begin to seek the Lord and open up to Him in real and genuine ways.

Prayer – Fasting

“They raised their voice together in one accord…” Acts 4:24, Join us in praying for CLCN to effectively carry out our purpose to be: “A thriving, Christ-centered, Spirit dependent, mission minded family of believers.” Pray for your pastoral staff, and our leaders as CLCN begins our 58th year of ministry in southeast Houston. God is up to something great!

1 Timothy 2:1-3 New International Version (NIV)

1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.

James 5:16

16 The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

If you have a prayer request you would like us to pray over, please message us, or call the church office at 281-486-9581.